I just returned from San Antonio, Texas where I had the privilege of touring the Centre for the Intrepid - a physical fitness facility for injured US soldiers. It's predominantly amputees, burn, and OSI patients. The centre is affiliated with the Brooke Army Medical Centre. The words bravery and courage come to mind when you say the word 'intrepid'. The Centre for the Intrepid is an amazing state-of-the-art facility that was specifically designed as the antithesis of a traditional medical rehabilitation centre. This is a truly refreshing place, and one that does not make me physically ill when I walk thru the front door. I was actually excited to be there and I really really wanted to climb the two-storey climbing tower. There was a boogie board with my name on it for the wave pool. Would have loved to try it. Not certain how I could balance on the board though with no knee - guess I would have to sit on my butt. There is no other program or facility in Canada that measures up to the Centre for the Intrepid. It's unfortunate that this facility and program are only available in the United States. Perhaps one day, I could do something to change that.
Never say never.
Signing off.
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