
Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Day 3 in Budapest

Hi All,

Overall, another good day.  Did a bit of bike work with Kim this morning.  I (2Legs) then went out for a 16k run (not entirely intentionally...)  Went to the Race site and watched the Aquathon (Swim/Run competition).  Had a good lunch, then a nap, then some mental skills training.  Kim is now writing out her race plan for Saturday, while I am slaving away over this blog.

The race site is pretty nice.  The only issue we are having right now is that the water temp is 14 friggin' Celcius - kinda chilly.  This may stop the paras from going for a pre-race familiarization swim, as they tend to suffer in the water more than the average age-group athlete.  I ran the bike/run course today - relatively flat, so it should be fast!!

Took lots of pictures, so they will be up as soon as I figure out how to upload them!!

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