
Friday, December 17, 2010

Training with Yoda

When you have one of the top National Sprinting coaches in Canada taking interest in your running, you know you have struck pay-dirt !!

Three short weeks after placing third at the World Paratrithlon championships, I met Hugh Conlin.  With my trusty coach Helen Cooper by my side, Hugh asked if I would be interested in trying sprints - the 100m and the 200m.  I was a little shocked at the offer.  I even asked him, "are you certain I am talented enough to do sprints?"  He just laughed and told me not to worry about it.  Two short weeks later and I am starting my first ever sprinting session with this amazing person I have now dubbed YODA.  I have learned so much about good running technique in such a short time - it was awesome.  Sprinting is incredibly technical, completely powerful, and absolutely frightening all rolled up into one.  I was hooked.  Sprinting is not for the faint of heart, and it takes the courage of a lion to step into a starting block.

Its been 5 weeks since I started training with YODA.  This Saturday, I am going to do my first race.  I'm stoked.  I am going to have a great race and an even greater day.

To my good friend Helen (aka Obi-Wan Kenobi), thank you for believing in me, for taking a chance on me, and for allowing me to achieve amazing things on the track and out on the triathlon race course.  Together we will change the world one race at a time!!

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