
Friday, October 12, 2012

Canadian Forces Sports Hall of Fame

On 12 Oct 2012, I was inducted into the CF Sports Hall of Fame.  This came as a complete surprise although I had hoped that one day, my name would grace this prestigious group.

Many thanks to Col Ning Lew who submitted my name for consideration.  Special shout out to Eric Schaeffer of A Step Ahead Prosthetics in NYC who helped me learn to live life without limitations.  Eric makes these amazing legs I wear; no more blisters, no more chaffing, no more ripped skin.  Yahooo!!  Also a big shout out to my family and my husband Curtis.  What a lot of people don’t know is that my story is not simply about triumph over trauma, its about my relationship with my spouse and how that has grown into what it is today.  We persevered when most couples divorce particularly when it also involves the death of a child.  We did not.  It is because of Curtis and I have triumphed thru perserverence.  Never let anyone curtail your dreams.  Dare to dream big and then dare to dream to live outside the box.  I did and I do.  I am not mainstream because I choose to ‘make it happen’.

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